Bishop Maxim visits Portland

Bishop Maxim visits Portland
Bishop Maxim visits Portland
Bishop Maxim visits Portland
Bishop Maxim visits Portland

On Sunday, November 1. 2015. at the St. Stephen Archdeacon and Protomartyr Serbian Orthodxo Church in Portland, Oregon, His Grace Bishop Maxim served the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy together with Father Sava from Monastery Tvrdos in Herzegovina, Deacon Zoran Aleksic, Fr. Milan Unkovic, and clergy from neighboring parishes and many parishioners and guests.

His Grace addressed the faithful giving the official blessing to Fr. Milan Unkovic who would soon leave to be the new priest at the St. Simeon Chruch in Las Vegas. His Grace followed with a short talk about the monograph  "The Christian Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija, The Historical and Spiritual Heartland of the Serbian People."

A delicious luncheon followed, which was prepared by the Kolo Srpskih Sestara.

Source: Western American Diocese