Bishop Maxim's Meeting with Sacramento "Monday Group"

On Tuesday in Sacramento, a group of young people from Sacramento area had been invited to meet and visit with Vladika at Fr. William Weir's house. The Right Reverend Bishop Maxim was the Honored Guest for the 20–40 Monday night group. Protinica Maryanne had wonderfully organized the event and prepared a delicious meal for the group. Bishop Maxim sat surrounded by the young people and they shared an evening of exploring ideas.

This was their second meeting in two months and, again, they discussed topics of interest to the group, theological-philosophical and societal items. At the last meeting with Vladika Maxim in August, there was some discussion about Syria and world events; some discussion of ‘forgive’ and ‘forget’; some discussion about the notion of ‘now’ as well as other various topics. 

Source: Western American Diocese