Bishop Teodosije serves in the village of Pasjane in Kosovo Pomoravlje

Bishop Teodosije serves in the village of Pasjane in Kosovo Pomoravlje
Bishop Teodosije serves in the village of Pasjane in Kosovo Pomoravlje
Bishop Teodosije serves in the village of Pasjane in Kosovo Pomoravlje
Bishop Teodosije serves in the village of Pasjane in Kosovo Pomoravlje

Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo and Metohija served today the Divine Liturgy in the church of the Transfiguration of God in the village of Pasjane in Kosovo Pomoravlje. In this Serbian village there are 378 households and about 2000 inhabitants. In the primary and in two high schools there are 300 pupils. This village is in the area which is populated by the Serbs who had not left their homes.

For the faithful people in Pasjane it was a great event since it is the first Liturgy which was served by the Bishop since 1986 when Bishop Pavle of Raska-Prizren served for the last time.


Source: Diocese of Raska-Prizren