Bishop Vasilije of Srem in Vojka

On Friday of the third week of Lent, 2 April 2021, Bishop Vasilije of Srem served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in the church of the Translation of the Relics of Holy Father Nikolaj.

The Bishop was concelebrated by archpriest Radomir Sandic, presbyter Sladjan Vidakovic and deacons Goran Vlasac and Svetogor Sandic.  Clergy of the Diocesan Deanery of Stara Pazova sang responses. 

Исповедник свештенству и вероучитељима је био протојереј-ставрофор Велизар Живановић, пензионисани парох сремскокарловачки и бивши секретар Епархије сремске. О реду и поретку током сабрања постарао протојереј Зоран Јовић, архијерејски намесник старопазовачки.

All priests and religious teachers of the Diocesan Deanery of Stara Pazova, as well as the faithful people and students of religious education approach the Holy Mysteries of Christ. After the Holy Liturgy Bishop Vasilije of Srem held a sermon. 

Source: Diocese of Srem