Celebration of St Sava on Vracar

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia, His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of the Montenegro and the Littoral with the concelebration of His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, the vicar of the Patriarch, priesthood and deacons, served The Holy Hierachal Liturgy in a small St Sava`s Day church in Vrachar, on a day when the Serbian Orthodox Church remembers with a prayer and celebrates its founder and its first Archbishop - St Sava.
During the Holy Service His Eminence Metropolitan ordained Nemanja Andrijasevic to reader , and ordained Dragan Milic and Ivan Nisinger to sub-deacons , and also elevated deacon Svetozar Arsic to the office of presbyter. On this occasion His Eminence Metropolitan cut the slava cake, and in a fitting speech pointed out that Christlike St Sava left the terrestrial and followed the steps of Christ giving him completely his life. His Eminence Metropolitan conveyed the blessing and greetings of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia to the gathered people. Metropolitan shortly said about the Life of St Sava and emphasized his role in whole Serbian nation.
After that all gathered went from the small church to the Cathedral of St Sava where His Eminence Metropolitan in a attendance of HRH Prince Aleksandar and many celebrities cut the slava cake and send slava greetings to all.