Charity Action of the Diocese of Bačka

With the action of donating 45 food packages, the Charity Institution of the Diocese of Bačka “Bishop Platon Atanacković” supported on 4 and 5 December 2019 elderly and disabled people in the Novi Sad districts Veternik, Telep and Cenej.

With the blessing of Bishop Irinej of Novi Sad and Backa, with this philanthropy at work, the Charity Institution “Bishop Platon Atanackovic”, in cooperation with parish priests from two bishops' deaneries of Novi Sad, successfully completed a project called For the Joy of Life this year.

The project was also supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Information and Relations with Religious Communities. During the implementation of the project, associates of the Institution “Bishop Platon Atanackovic” comforted 175 families as well in the Zabalj and Temerin municipalities last week (November 27-28) . A pack of nappies was also donated to every non-residential user of the Home Care and Assistance Service.

Through this type of activity of the Charity, the public has the opportunity to see that under the auspices of the Orthodox Church philanthropy activity is being fostered and implemented in the Diocese of Backa.