Christian world
Fifth Century Mosaic with Biblical Inscription and Animal Representations Found in Adana
23. February 2016 - 14:44A new mosaic inscribed with quotes from the Bible has been discovered in the southern city of Adana during excavations jointly undertaken by the Culture and Tourism Ministry's Cultural Heritage Department and the Provincial Directorate of Museums. The 120-square-meter mosaic was found on private property located in the Karlık neighborhood of Adana's Sarıçam district. According to archaeologists, the Eastern Roman-era mosaic dates back to between the fifth and sixth centuries A.D. It features 16 different animal figures, including a snake, lion, sheep, leopard, wolf, goat and bull. Wild and domestic animals are portrayed as sleeping and being fed together or eating each other's food.
21 Libya Copts Remembered in Westminster Prayer Service and the Church of England General Synod with statement by HG Bishop Angaelos
16. February 2016 - 15:49The 21 Coptic Christians brutally executed in Libya one year ago remembered in a prayer service in the Palace of Westminster, during morning prayers at the Church of England General Synod, and in a Vespers Service at the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral of Saint George in the United Kingdom.
A service of commemoration for the 21 Coptic Christians martyred in Libya 12 months ago was held in the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft in the Palace of Westminster on 10 February 2016. The service was attended by members of both Houses of Parliament and co-hosted by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons. A statement was released by Bishop Angaelos to mark the anniversary. Prayers were also offered, along with a moment of standing in silence, in memory of the 21 Copts at opening prayers of Church of England General Synod.
Anniversary of the 21 Coptic Christians Martyred in Libya
16. February 2016 - 15:44Anniversary of the 21 Coptic Christians Martyred in Libya – Statement by His Grace Bishop Angaelos – General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom
For decades we have witnessed the systematic intimidation, persecution, abduction, and even execution of Christians and minorities in the Middle East, but the horrific murder of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya 12 months ago had a significant and marked effect on millions around the world; it seemed that even evil had a line it should not cross.
Joint Declaration of Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia
13. February 2016 - 12:50The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the fellowship of the holy Spirit be with all of you (2 Cor 13:13).
1. By God the Father’s will, from which all gifts come, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the help of the Holy Spirit Consolator, we, Pope Francis and Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, have met today in Havana. We give thanks to God, glorified in the Trinity, for this meeting, the first in history.
It is with joy that we have met like brothers in the Christian faith who encounter one anotherto speak face to face (2 Jn. 12), from heart to heart, to discuss the mutual relations between the Churches, the crucial problems of our faithful, and the outlook for the progress of human civilization.
Catholicos of All Armenians receives President of the Serbian National Assembly
11. February 2016 - 11:08
On February 9, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received Maya Goykovich, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and her delegation. She was accompanied by Mr. Eduard Sharmazanov, the Vice President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.
Egypt Begins Rebuilding Christian Churches Destroyed Under Muslim Brotherhood
10. February 2016 - 13:22The Egyptian military has started rebuilding destroyed Christian churches and properties, years after the Muslim Brotherhood tore the buildings down.
On Christmas Eve, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi apologized to the nation’s Christian population and reiterated his pledge to rebuild the churches. He initially made the promise when he took office in 2013.