Christian world
Christians of Iraq are forming volunteer corps
10. February 2015 - 11:43The Christians of Iraq have formed volunteer corps in order to free the Nineveh Valley – most of residents of which traditionally have been Christians — from ISIS. After the region had been seized by Islamists in summer 2014, over 100,000 Christians had to leave it, reports
World Conference in Erbil on future of Iraqi Yezidis and Christians
9. February 2015 - 14:58 A two-day international conference opened Sunday in Erbil on the future of Christians and Yezidis in war-torn Iraq, as thousands of families from the religious minorities continue to leave the country for Europe to escape systematic persecution.
Thirty-two countries are taking part in the conference -- titled “The Future of the Yezidis and Christians in Iraq; Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing.” The conference will address the current condition of the religious minorities, many of whom have been internally displaced following ISIS attacks last year.
Thousands of Turkish Alevis demand greater freedom
9. February 2015 - 14:41Thousands of people from Turkey’s Alevi minority have gathered in the city of Istanbul to demand their rights and freedoms they say the government has denied them for years.
On Sunday, the crowd affiliated with the Federation of Alevi Foundations (AVF) gathered for the protest at Istanbul’s Kadıköy district and marched to the İskele Square.
A city in the Philippines requires taxi drivers to paint Bible verses on their vehicles
5. February 2015 - 14:37Los taxistas de Filipinas muestran versículos bíblicos en sus vehículos
Todos los taxistas de la ciudad de Tagbilaran están obligados a mostrar un versículo de la Biblia en la parte trasera de sus vehículos, en un esfuerzo por frenar la delincuencia en la ciudad.
Archbishop Oscar Romero, blessed and defender of the poor and justice
5. February 2015 - 14:22This morning in the Holy See Press Office Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family and postulator of the cause for the beatification of Oscar Arnulfo Romero, presented the figure of the Salvadoran archbishop assassinated in 1980 while celebrating Mass and whose martyrdom was acknowledged yesterday with the signing of the necessary decree by Pope Francis. Historian Roberto Morozzo della Rocca, professor of modern history at the University of Rome III and author of a biography of Oscar Romero, also participated in the conference. Extensive extracts of Archbishop Paglia's presentation are published below.
Survey reveals that number of evangelicals is growing in Nicaragua
5. February 2015 - 12:38Encuesta revela que los evangélicos siguen creciendo en Nicaragua
La última encuesta de M&R Consultores indica que la mayoría de los nicaragüenses son creyentes, y refleja un aumento de la población que declara que su denominación religiosa es la evangélica.