Communique of Diocese of Dalmatia regarding announcement on foundation of so-called "HOC"

News that yesterday in Zadar (12.03.2010) was an announcement on the establishment of the so-called "Croatian Orthodox Church" caused anxiety for the clergy and the Orthodox Serbs in Croatia. It is known that the HOC was formed in 1942 in the time of the fascist and Ustashe regime of Ante Pavelic in the NDH (Independent State of Croatia). Then the Pavelic's regime committed genocide against the Serbian, Jewish and Roma people in the NDH, and the goal of the phantom HOC was to destroy every trace of existence of the Orthodoxy and the Orthodox Serbs in this region.

The Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian people have been living for centuries in the region of Dalmatia, as it is evident and confirmed the best by its parish churches and monasteries, which were built between XIII to XV century and represent a significant cultural heritage, which as such, is under the protection of the competent institutions of the Croatian state.

Previously during the publication of the website and the program of the forming "Croatian Orthodox community" it became certain that this association identify and organically links with the Ustashe regime from the time of Ante Pavelic and the so-called HOC. It is, as one indivisible whole, had genocidal program of destruction and extinction of all non-Croats in the time of the criminal NDH, thus the formation of this community clearly causes human fear of the possibility of restoring of its program. Behind it numerous camps, scaffolds and pits were left at the time of World War II, of which is certainly the largest and most notorious extermination camp was Jasenovac.

We sincerely hope that this Community, which is associated with the darkest period of the recent history of Croatia - because of his openly militant and pro-Ustashe character will not be able to be registered at the competent institutions of today's Croatia which is at the door of entry into the European Union.

Also we appeal to the bodies of the rule of law and relevant ministries of the R. Croatia, to protect facilities and property of the Serbian Orthodox Church , as well as our believers from possible harassment and attacks, as some of the leaders of this phantom community announced. They promoted these days and thereby publicly rehabilitated a "ghost from the past", which reawakens fascism and the ustashism in this region of the European continent.

Our clergy and the faithful in pastoral care and responsibility, we recommend to reinforce their fasting and prayer to God, which is the only Lord and Judge of the world and the guardian of our martyr Church for centuries and still crucified Dalmatia, not to be afraid and do not accept these fake pastors and preachers, "who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves" (Matthew 7:15), but to save their world Orthodox church and their faith, their Patron Saint's (slava) and their Dalmatian shrines, which have preserved and kept it throughout history.


Info service of Diocese of Dalmatia

Source: Diocese of Dalmatia