Construction of 135 meters high statue in Cyprus

Construction of 135 meters high statue in Cyprus

A record high 135-meter statue of an angel will be built in Cyprus. Provisionally named The Kind Angel of the World, the statue will dwarf the Christ Statue in Brazil, the Statue of Liberty in the US and the Giant Buddha Statue in China.

The transparent figure of an angel holding a golden pigeon will tower over countries and continents, as if taking all people of the planet under its wings. The authors of the project believe that it symbolizes unity of peoples of different nationality and religion.

Visitors will have to climb 135 meters to the top to enjoy the view from the statue’s observation platform, Russian sculptor Petr Stronsky says.

"Besides the unique view from the top, the statue is bound to attract thousands of tourists with its special lighting that will illuminate its contours during nighttime and make it visible even from space."

The ground floor of the complex will house exhibition halls, cinemas, amusement arcades, cafes and restaurants.

The location for the giant angel is special too. It will stand in a pristine area of a small seashore village not far from Limassol reminding people that they must care for the natural beauty of our planet. The Kind Angel of the World was designed on the basis of the so-called “green construction” principles, Petr Stronsky says.

"The statue incorporates solar batteries with energy-saving systems and it will be provided with natural ventilation, self-rectifying surfaces, autonomous sources of energy, rainwater collection and purification systems and waster recycling facilities. All this will make it an unprecedented piece of high-tech architecture which meets all modern requirements."

The statue will be built pursuant to a five-year campaign in Russia and a number of other countries. Smaller ‘angels of the world” have been installed in 30 cities of Russia, and also in Ukraine, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, and North Korea. They now adorn Moscow, Abakan, Penza, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Cheboksary, Pyatigorsk, Magadan, Bishkek, Donetsk, Eresos and Pyongyang…. On September 2nd, another such ‘angel’ opened its wings in Beslan in memory of the 2004 terrorist attack.

There are plans to build angel sculptures in 694 cities in Russia by 2020. And the ‘chief’ angel in Cyprus will welcome visitors in 2016.
Source: Pravoslavie, the Voice of Russia