The construction of a church museum in Konitsa is on its way

One of the most important cultural projects in Epirus, which, among other things, will protect the remaining religious relics of the area, which have been looted over the past decade by sacrilegious, is considered the construction and operation of the sacristy – Museum in Konitsa by the local Metropolis.

The Epirus Region Planning Contract with the Metropolis of Dryinoupolis, Pogoniani and Konitsa was approved, with a project budget of 2,770,000 euro, funded by the Public Investment Program.

It will store and display rare relics, such as icons, utensils, books and other sacred objects, belonging to monasteries and temples.Један од најважнијих културних пројеката у Епиру, који ће, између осталог, заштитити и преостале верске драгоцености и утвари тог краја, које су пљачкане током протекле деценије, представља изградња црквеног музеја у Коници, наводи ова митрополија.

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