New books

Bishop Atanasije : About Oicumenism and Ecumenism

 О икуменизму и екуменизмуForeword
When the brotherhood of Saint Simeon from the Monastery ofTvrdosh initiated publishing of the collected works of Bishop Atanasije (what hedid not approve), we have, during reviewing and publishing some works of BishopAtanasije (see Bibliography of hisworks at the end of the book ‘'Jesus Alpha and Omega'', Vrnjci-Trebinje 2004'')come upon a few his earlier and recent, published and not published texts about Ecumenism. In these texts Bishop distinguishand divides Ecumenism further: so there is Orthodox Oicumenism andEcumenism, which he divides on Roman (=Roman Catholic) and Geneve (=protestant)- so we asked him to publish it separately in a book which is already here , infront of readers.

Psalms- The Kovilj Monastery Choir

The Book of the Psalms - the Psalter is one of the most beautiful, most profound, and best-known books in the Old Testament. Every single truth of the Christian faith is prefigured and preached in the pages of the Psalter. God's laws, the whole act of the creation of the visible and the invisible worlds, the tumultuous history of the people of Israel, the Providence of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, the life of the Church and its temptations, a diversity of subjects on God and Man and their mutual relationship - all of these are to be found in the Book of the Psalms. Moreover, what makes the Psalms so unique is that whenever you chant or read them, you are looking as if through a mirror into your own soul!


Protodeacon Radomir Rakic Bible Encyclopedia, I - II , pp. 600 и 632, Theological Academy in Srbinje (Foca), 2004.

The year of 2004. saw the publication the Bible Encyclopedia in two volumes by Protodeacon Radomir Rakic, lecturer at the Theological Faculty of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade and Lecturer in the New Testament at the Theological Academy in Srbinje (Foca) as well as the official interpreter of the Holy Synod of Bishops. The first volume includes terms from A to L on a total of 586 pages, and the second volume comprises 632 pages, in encyclopedic format in two columns with four geographic maps on sub- covers and many illustrations, diagrams, etc. This work, the first of its kind in the Serbian language, has been no less than 10 years in preparation by the author, using the best biblical encyclopedias in the world as his model, including the Russian encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nikifor from the end of the 19th century reprinted in Moscow in 1992. German works used included Fritz Rienecker’s Lexikon zur Bibel and the six-volume biblical dictionary published by Brockhaus, Das grosse Bibellexikon. English works of greatest aid to the author were Harper’s Bible Dictionary (San Francisco, 1985), as well as The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Vols. 1-3 (London, 1980).

NEW BOOK: The Temple of Nativity of the Saint John the Baptist, Radovan Pilipovic, Belgrade 2008.

The temple dedicated to the Nativity of the Saint John the Baptist is located on the Central Cemetery (Zaplanjska 47a Street). The peculiarity of the temple can be found in its origin. It had the significant role in the recent spiritual past of Belgrade. The adaptation of the common, mundane building due to the requirements of the Church, which was built in the cemetery area, caused the construction of the temple. Firstly, in 1948 one of the premises was turned into the chapel, what was followed by the construction of the administrative affairs office. The permission which allowed the public worship in the remaining part of the facility concluded the whole issue on the temple. The church bell tower was built in 1969. It left the strong architectural imprint and provided the actual exterior appearance of the church.