Cyrillic alphabet - alphabet of the Serbian history, present and future

The convention regarding the topic " Cyrillic Alphabet in Information Society" was held on Thursday, April 14 in the parish house of the St. Sava Cathedral in the presence of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, His Grace Bishop Joanikije of Budimlje-Niksic and many invitees from public and cultural life.

Organized by the citizen's association "Prince Miroslav and on this occasion the exhibition of Cyrillic fonts "Cyrillic alphabet today - professor Stjepan Fileki" was formally opened, and thanks to it the public will have at the end of this month an opportunity to get to know creative solutions of fonts of Cyrillic alphabet. The goal of  starting a theme on Cyrillic alphabet in information society, represents activities of the Association "Prince Miroslav".