Easter in Sarajevo

Easter in Sarajevo
Easter in Sarajevo
Easter in Sarajevo
Easter in Sarajevo

The greatest and most joyful feast-day of Orthodox Christians, and therefore of Orthodox Serbs, was celebrated solemnly in the city of Sarajevo, capital city of Bosnia and Hercegovina, on April 28, 2019. All the churches, both in the Ffederal Sarajevo as well as in Eastern (Serbian) Sarajevo, were full of Orthodox Serbs who participated in the celebration of the radiant Resurrection of Christ.

The central celebration took place in the Cathedral church of Sarajevo, where the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was officiated by His Eminence Metropolitan Hrizostom of Dabar-Bosnia with concelebration of the local clergy.

The solemnity of the worsip was enhanced by chanting of the Serbian Choral Ensemble “Sloga (Unaniminity) under guidance of Stephan Mojsilovic.

The Easter Message of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch was read by the principal of the Cathedral Church, protopresbyter-staurophor Vladimir Stupar. A the end of the Liturgy Metropolitan Hrisostom greeted all the present faithful wishing them spiritual joy and happiness.

At 5 pm the Paschal Vesper Service was served in Sarajevo’s Cathedral church. His Eminence Metropolitan Hrizostom celebrated the service with the concelebration of the local clergy.

The Gospel passage by John was read in: Serbian, Greek, Church-Slavonic, Russian, English and German.


Easter in Sarajevo
Easter in Sarajevo
Easter in Sarajevo
Easter in Sarajevo