Eastern Diocese Clergy Seminar 2013

His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan consistently schedules clergy seminars for the purpose of continuing education. Since at least 1993 various speakers have addressed a wide range of topics related to the priesthood and parish life.

Since 2008 the seminars have been held at Shadeland in Springboro, Pennsylvania. The seminars make good use of the beautiful Most Holy Mother of God Monastery Church and St. Sava Camp facilities. This year the Vesper service was held on October 28, 2013 followed by dinner and a general discussion. On Tuesday morning, October 29, Matins and the Hours were  completed followed by the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.

Eight priests and two deacons served with His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Diocesan clergy and Episcopal Secretary Milovan Jovanovic sang the responses.

Twenty-eight clergy and the Episcopal Secretary were in attendance at the outstanding seminar presentation given by Very Rev. Igumen Calinic Berger, Ph.D.  Father Calinic is a graduate of Santa Clara University, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and Catholic University of America.

Father Calinic authored a book entitled Challenges of Orthodox Thought and Life. He is a frequent conference speaker and has taught at the seminary level. His doctorate is entitled “Towards a Theological Gnoseology: The Synthesis of Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae.”  He spoke at Diocesan Day several years ago.

During this seminar Father Calinic spoke very clearly and at length on the topic of “Holy Space: The Theology of the Iconostasis.” He used Holy Scripture and patristic sources extensively in developing the theme.

The Diocesan seminars serve as consistent gatherings for clergy to come together with His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan. The seminars focus on topics directly relevant to serving parishes effectively.

The KSS Eastern Federation willingly assumes the responsibility of providing the meals for the seminars in addition to supporting the Diocesan summer and winter activities at St. Sava Camp. 

KSS President Millie Radovick, KSS Vice-President DeeDee Baskot, former KSSPresident Olga Dimitrijevic,  Kolo member Angeline Stojanovich  and Milka Jovanovich were very supportive of this seminar .

Scott and Lorrie Felix devoted their time in making sure the facilities at Shadeland readily accommodated the seminar needs. The Most Holy Mother of God Monastery Church and St. Sava Camp are excellent resources for the seminar.

His Grace Bishop Mitrophan’s commitment to continuing education for clergy is very well received in the Diocese as evidenced by the extensive clergy participation and support of this and previous seminars.

Father Rodney Torbic

Source: Eastern American Diocese