Eastern Diocese Holds Annual Clergy Seminar

Eastern Diocese Holds Annual Clergy Seminar
Eastern Diocese Holds Annual Clergy Seminar
Eastern Diocese Holds Annual Clergy Seminar
Eastern Diocese Holds Annual Clergy Seminar

His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan has been consistent in holding seminars for clergy of the Eastern American Diocese as a form of continuing education. Clergy at all levels of education and experience are required to keep abreast of contemporary societal issues and gather to collectively reflect on matters of importance in parish life.

On Wednesday evening, November 9 and Thursday, November 10, 2011 well over twenty clergy from the Eastern American Diocese gathered at the Monastery of the Mother of God-St. Sava Camp, Shadeland in Springboro, Pennsylvania for a period of reflection, discussion and serious learning.

Following the Vespers and evening meal on Wednesday, His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN reviewed His recent trip to Romania illustrated with visual presentations of monastic life in Romania and the major annual pilgrimage in honor of St. Parasceva.

Clergy in attendance from the Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Washington Deaneries had the opportunity to hear of His Grace’s recent experiences in Romania and learn of the extensive Christian witness of Orthodox monastics and faithful.

The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated on Thursday morning, the day the Serbian Orthodox Church was commemorating St. Arsenije of Srem.  Six priests and one protodeacon served with His Grace at the Divine Liturgy.

Archimandrite Demetrios Carellas, Chaplain at the Greek Orthodox Women’s Monastery in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania was the featured seminar speaker. Archimandrite Carellas is a noted conference speaker in many different locations on this continent. He is a spiritual father to a large number of faithful and has a very extensive internet ministry.

Father Carellas focused his talk on the horrors and widespread ills of abortion. Father Demetri centered attention on the mothers receiving abortions, the physicians and others assisting in abortions, on lawyers, judges and politicians supporting and fostering abortion and on positive steps that can be taken to reduce abortions. Father Demetrios was passionate, articulate and graphic in his presentation.

The Monastery of the Mother of God Church and the facilities of St. Sava Camp-Shadeland provide an atmosphere conducive for inspired learning.

The Eastern Region Kolo Federation Sisters graciously agreed to prepare the meals for the seminar. KSS President Millie Radovick, KSS Vice-President DeeDee Baskot, former KSSPresident Olga Dimitrijevic and Kolo member Angeline Stojanovich consistently are supportive of efforts to develop programs at Shadeland. Scott and Lorrie Felix devote their time in making sure the facilities at Shadeland readily accommodate the seminar needs.

Protopresbyter Stavrofor Stevo Rocknage made a presentation and distributed information regarding the forthcoming Oratorical Festival of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The Sixth Annual Winter Youth Retreat of the Eastern American Diocese to be held at Shadeland  December 27-30,2011was  discussed and applications were distributed.The Winter Retreat theme is “That whosover believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”(Jn.3:15)

Clergy travelled from as far away as Philadelphia and South Canaan in eastern Pennsylvania and from Columbus, Ohio in the western part of the Diocese.  Most of the clergy in attendance travelled significant distances to actively participate in the seminar.

The clergy in attendance demonstrated their commitment and understanding of the need for continuing education by their presence and participation. Thank God for this very well-attended and informative seminar.

Father Rodney Torbic

Souce: www.easterndiocese.org