Synaxis of the Heads of the Orthodox Churches in Constantinople
9. October 2008 - 14:20On the occasion of the celebration of the Year 2008 as the Year of Saint Paul and under the presidency of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew the Synaxis of the Heads of the Orthodox Churches, is called in Constantinople, October 9-12. The Synaxis is held along the Pauline Symposium which will run through October 16.
This biblical symposium is held in honor of St. Paul and will focus on aspects of the life, the apostolic activity and the teachings of the great Apostle of the Nations which are connected with our contemporary world. The Pauline Symposium is an academic offering of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the Primates of the Church for the enrichment of their pastoral care and work.
15th All-American Council
21. October 2008 - 7:57"The documentation now posted on the web site includes reports from the Chancellor, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Director of Ministries and Communications," said OCA Secretary, Archpriest Eric G. Tosi. "Delegates will also find a financial report that contains complete 2007 and partial 2008 financial statements for the OCA and for its stavropegial institutions."
Other material included are reports from each OCA ministry department, St. Vladimir's and St. Tikhon's seminaries, stavropegial monasteries, St. Catherine's Representation Church in Moscow, and the report from the Pension Board.
Cuba's first Russian Orthodox cathedral opens
21. October 2008 - 7:52Cuba's first Russian Orthodox cathedral was consecrated Sunday amid church bells, liturgical chants and the presence of President Raul Castro, in a sign of goodwill toward the island's former chief benefactor.
Russian diplomats and members of Cuba's dwindling Russian community crowded into the whitewashed seaside cathedral, which is topped by a gleaming gold dome.
Patriarch Alexy II believes Ahtisaari doesn't deserve a Nobel Peace Prize
16. October 2008 - 12:09
Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia was critical about giving 2008 Nobel
Peace Prize to former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, who worked out the plan
for "a peaceful separation of Kosovo. It was unjust to award Mr. Ahtisaari who contributed to separation of Kosovo
from Serbia with an international peace prize," Alexy II said
in his meeting with Serbian Ambassador Stanimir Vukicevic in the Moscow patriarchal residence.
Orthodox Christian leaders meet at the Ecumenical Patriarchate
16. October 2008 - 9:48
Patriarchs, primates and representatives of all the Patriarchal and Autochephalous Orthodox Churches recommitted themselves to overcome intra-Orthodox conflicts as well as to continue theological dialogues with Christians from other confessions at a 10-12 October meeting in Istanbul, Turkey.
"Overcoming the internal conflicts of the Orthodox Church through the surrendering of nationalistic, ethnic and ideological extremes of the past" is a requisite for the "word of Orthodoxy [to] have a necessary impact on the contemporary world," reads a message issued at the end of the meeting.