Bishop Atanasije visits Serb villages of Prilužje and Plemetina in Vučitrn municipality
His Grace Bishop Atanasije today (Mar 17) visited the Serb villages
of Prilužje and Plemetina in Vučitrn municipality. In Prilužje the
Bishop was welcomed by the Mitrovica church district administrator
protopresbyter Milija Arsović with parish priest Milomir Vlašković, Mr.
Zoran Rakić, the mayor of the Serb municipality of Vučitrn, and by the
faithful. There were many children with their teachers and religion
instructors. At the entrance to the courtyard of the newly built church
of the Holy Transfiguration, four Serbian girls in folk costume
welcomed Bishop Atanasije and served him with (the traditional offering
of) bread and salt.
Bishop Atanasije passed between two rows of children and then entered the church together with them singing hymns. Thanking the priests and the faithful for this warm welcome, Bishop Atanasije sang old songs of Kosovo with the children. After leaving the church, the Bishop spent more time with the children, jesting and talking with them.
The mayor of Vučitrn invited the Bishop and the priests to the municipal offices in Prilužje for conversation. Bishop Atanasije was particularly interested in the problems facing the people. Mayor Rakić explained that the biggest problem in Serb villages around Prilužje was the sale of houses and land to the Albanians. After visiting Prilužje, Bishop Atanasije visited the village of Plemetina and paid his respects to the church of the Holy Prince Lazar.