Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan

Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan
Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan
Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan
Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan

The Committee of the Holy Assembly of Bishops for the preparation of marking the 1700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan as a co-organizer along with the Association of the non-government organizations of the South-East Europe - CIVIS, the Austrian  Foundation PRO ORIENTE and the Swiss Peace and Crisis Foundation organized a book presentation - collection of works of the participants of the conference - Eternal value and perpetual actuality Edict of Milan - towards the great jubilee 2013, which was held in Nis, in the St. Sava's house of the Diocese of Nis, from February 24-26 of this year.

Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan
Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan
Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan
Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan
Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan
Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan
Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan
Eternal value and perpetual actuality of the Edict of Milan