Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania

Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania
Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania
Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania
Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania

His Grace Lukijan, Diocesan Bishop of Budim and Administrator of Temisoara, was awarded with the Order of Saint Sava Brankovic for special merits in the field of rapprochement between the Serbian and Romanian peoples.

On 27 January 2019, when the Serbian Church celebrates its first Archbishop Saint Sava, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was officiated by His Eminence Archbishop Timotej of Arad and His Grace Bishop Lukijan of Budim and the Administrator of Temisoara with concelebration of Serbian and Romanian clergy.

In the year when the Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates the significant jubilee, 800 years of its autocephaly, upon the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of Romania, Archbishop Timotej handed to Bishop Lukijan the Order of Saint Sava Brankovic for special merits in the field of rapprochement between the Serbian and Romanian peoples, which share common past, especially on the territory of the Diocese of Temisoara. In addition to fostering brotherly love between the two peoples, hierarchal ministry of Bishop Lukijan towards the common coexistence in the present was highly appreciated as well.

In the end of the Holy Liturgy the festal cake was blessed and the panichida for the endowers was served, among whom most significant was Sava Tekelija. A special program in honor of Saint Sava was performed by a folklore group from Sannnicolae Mare (Veliki Semiklus).