First Volume of the Serbian Encyclopaedia

First Volume of the Serbian Encyclopaedia
First Volume of the Serbian Encyclopaedia
First Volume of the Serbian Encyclopaedia
First Volume of the Serbian Encyclopaedia

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch attended yesterday in the ceremonial hall of the Serbian Academy for Sciences and Arts the presentation of the Serbian Encyclopaedia (Volume I, book 1-2) in the joint publication of the Matica Srpska, SASA and the Institute for School Books and Teaching Aid. 

The Serbian Encyclopedia describes the historical and cultural heritage of the Serbs, the natural features of the area where Serbian people live, as well as specific geographical location, geological composition and structure of soil, relief, hydrographic features, climate, flora and fauna.

The Encyclopedia covers economic development and contemporary status of the Serbian people as the important factors of movement, features and creative contribution in certain periods of social development.

The work on the Serbian encyclopedia began in 2005 by enacting legislation in the Assembly of Serbia, which was defined venture that is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Serbia. Publisher of the Encyclopedia is the Serbian Institute for School Books and Teaching Aid.