A Growing Missionary Family: The Patitsas Family, OCMC’s Newest Missionaries to New Zealand

Please pray for OCMC’s newest missionaries Fr. Paul and Pres. Katerina Patitsas who are currently serving at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Auckland, New Zealand. Through your support that can further answer their call to share the Faith with the people of New Zealand and throughout the islands of Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa!

Thanks be to God, the Church is reaching out all over the world!

OCMC is blessed to have so many missionaries to count as part of our growing family. The newest additions to this family are Fr. Paul and Pres. Katerina Patitsas along with their children. They are missionaries serving with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Amphilochios of the Holy Archdiocese of New Zealand and Exarchate of Oceania.

Fr. Paul is parish priest of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Auckland, New Zealand, where he and Pres. Katerina have been serving for 6 years, but he has also been called upon by His Eminence to help with evangelization and church planting on the islands of Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa. Fr. Paul has been a priest for 24 years and has mission experience in Kenya and India.

The Church is growing on the islands thanks to the efforts of His Eminence and the dedicated clergy that serve under him. In a few short years, Fiji alone has become home to four clergy, four churches, two nuns, missionary coworkers from Australia, Greece, New Zealand, and the US, many baptized faithful, an orphanage, and a women’s shelter.

It is hoped that in partnering with the OCMC, the Patitsas family will be able to enhance their ability to serve and grow the Church and provide the outreach that is needed throughout the Metropolis. To do this they need your prayers and support. Please prayerfully consider making a gift to their ministry by visiting http://www.ocmc.org/ThePatitsasFamily.

 Source: OCP