Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in Ervenik

Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in Ervenik

On the feast day of St. Great martyr Pantaleon (09.08.2011) His Grace Bishop Fotije of Dalmatia serve the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in the church of St. father Nikolai in Ervenik. According to the traditions, Orthodox Serbs from Ervenik and local places gather on this day in the church that had been built by their ancestors, and which is now being renovated. This feast day is an assembly in Ervenik, because  many Orthodox Serbs gather in this place and in general in Dalmatia.

With the blessing of Bishop Fotije and the committment of citizens of Ervenik and diaspora the renovation of this church started two years ago and now fresco paintings in byzantine style are being planned. Besides the church, also a brethren  and a parish houses are being planned to be restored.

Source: Diocese of Dalmatia