Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the earthquake-stricken Smyrna

Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the earthquake-stricken SmyrnaMetropolitan Bartholomew of Smyrna officiated the Orthros and the Divine Liturgy in the Church of Saint Fotini in Smyrni on Sunday, November 1.

Members of the Orthodox Community attended and participated in the Divine Liturgy, defying the post-earthquake activity, as reported by vema.com.au, and they also participated in the Holy Mysteries for empowerment from above during these difficult times that the wider region is currently facing.

After the Divine Liturgy, Metropolitan Bartholomew performed the Lesser Blessing of Waters for the beginning of the month and read a prayer for the rescue of the city and the country from the terrible threat of the earthquake and for the rapid cessation of this geological phenomenon in the area.

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, he conveyed to the congregation the wishes of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who had contacted him and expressed his support for the Archbishop and the flock of Smyrna, with a keen interest in their safety and health.

Source: Orthodoxtimes.com