The Meeting of the co-chairmen of the dialogue between the Eeastern Orthodox Church And Oriental Orthodox Churches

Invited by the co-chairmen, HE Metropolitan Emmanuel of France and HE Metropolitan Bishoy of Damiette, of the Joint International Theological Commission of the two families of the Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches, and with the presence, blessings and gracious hospitality of His Holiness Aram I, a working group met in Antelias on April 12th, in order to discuss developments of the bilateral theological dialogue and prepare the upcoming meeting of the joint commission. The working group was composed of bishops of the two families.

This bilateral theological dialogue has started in 1985 and it produced, on the basis of the common understanding of the apostolic faith, a number of convergent documents on Christology. The purpose of this meeting was to explore together the possibilities of reactivating this important process in the life of the two Families. The next meeting of the full commission will be held in late October 2018.
