Members of the National Council of Churches in Australia along with Minister

National Heads of Churches of Australia held its regular semiannual session on 6 March 2013, under the presidency of Bishop Irinej of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand of the Serbian Orthodox Church at the premises of the Cathedral church of Holy Prince Lazar in Alexandria, which is the seat of the Metropolitanate of Australia-New Zealand.

As its name tells, this body is actually a small gathering of the heads, i.e. presiding hierarchs and heads of the Churches, of all Christian Churches and denominations in Australia, which confess God in Trinity.

This high body meets twice annually, in the spring and in the fall, so that the members could better acquaint with each other, to discuss topics that are typical to our Churches or denominations, about expectations and achievements, as well as about obstacles and problems.

For this reason, this session neither delivers decisions, nor issues statements, but it is simply an advisory body.

On each meeting one eminent orator comes from area of the public life in Australia. On this occasion it was Australian Foreign Minister, His Excellency Mr. Bob Carr. Main topics of his speech were related to Christian and other minorities that are endangered in war zones or in areas of conflict and ethnic tensions. The part of the discussion was devoted to the newest events in Kosovo and Metohia and endangerment of the Serbian people, their shrines and cemeteries.

Source: Metropolitanate of Australia-New Zealand