Memorial Saturday: Our love in Christ makes our departed ones alive

On Memorial Saturday just before the Meatfare week, the Holy Church is calling u sto pray for the repose of the souls of our departed relatives who fell asleep in the Lord in the hope of the Ressurection and the eternal life.

In order to understand the importance of offering our prayers for the departed ones, it is necessary to have in mind that Christianity is religion of love. Christ hasn’t left to us, his disciples some teaching about an individual salvation but he has left the commandment to love one another. Love is the foundation and the essence of the Church teaching. The sin is always a lack of love and therefore it is segregation, isolation, a war against everyone. Delivering our prayers for our departed ones means that we meet them in Christ. Christ doesn’t make difference between the dead and the living because everyone is alive in Christ. Loving Christ we do love everyone in Him, loving everyone in Him, we do love Christ. Our love in Christ makes our departed ones alive.

Source: Orthodox Church of St. Demetrius Parish Herald

Translated into English by Sanja Simic de Graaf, Professor