A memorial service for the victims of the "Storm" action in the monastery of Krka

His Grace Nikodim, Bishop of Dalmatia, served a memorial service in the Krka Monastery for all the innocent victims of the "Storm" military operation in 1995. The event took place on August 4, 2020.

- It is a duty of all of us to pray for them in order to be worthy heirs of those people who respected the vow of Prince Lazar - suffering for the Holy cross and golden liberty. There are many tragically killed in this area of ​​ours; some of them suffered even after they clearly expressed their desire to stay here under the sign of peace, as was the case in Varivode. There, people hung white flags on their houses, but in spite of that, they suffered from those who did not fear the Lord. We should pray for these brave people, that they might be our representatives before the throne of the Most High, who are praying that we ourselves endure along our path and be among those who bear the sign of peace and who work for reconciliation, Bishop Nikodim said.

- It is important not to forget what happened, but we must also not be enslaved to that tragedy, as we should be witnesses of reconciliation and true disciples of the Lord. The Gospel calls upon us to forgiveness and only through it can we inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. We should gather around our churches, because it is up to us who have stayed here and who will not give up these areas, to pray there, like our ancestors, for our neighbors, and even for our enemies. We should hope that we will be the ones who will rejoice in each other in the Lord when the Kingdom of Heaven comes, when all differences are overcome and there is no more counting of blood cells. It is up to us to be the ones who are trying to welcome that moment with dignity and, as our former great patriarch Pavle said, to be humane, because only in that way will we be able to appear with dignity before the Lord when that hour comes, said Bishop Nikodim.

Source: Diocese of Dalmatia