Metropolitan Amfilohije and Kiril served in the church of Holy Trinity in Belgrade

His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral and His Eminence Metropolitan Kiril of Varna and Veliki Preslav from the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, who came in a short visit to the Serbian Orthodox Church, have served this morning on Saturday of the second week of the Great Lent, on the holiday of Saint Eudochia the Martyr the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Holy Trinity in Belgrade. The high priests served with the concelebration of 6 presbyters and 4 deacons. At the end of the holy liturgy Metropolitan Amfilohije addressed the gathered faithful and thanked earnestly to the guest for this visit he made to the Serbian Church and the capital. Then also Metropolitan Kiril spoke to the faithful thanking for the common service and hospitality, conveying to the gathered people the blessing of the Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria.

After the common lunch of love hierarchs visited His Holiness Patriach Pavle of Serbia who thanked for a visit and conveyed greetings to Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria and all household of faith in sisterly the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.