Metropolitan Amfilohije receives the honorary doctorate of of the Saint Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris

At the solemn session of the Saint Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris yesterday the honorary doctorate „honoris causa“ was handed to Metropolitan Dr Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral. Besides Archbishop Gabriel of Koman, the ceremony was attended also by Ambassadors of Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia in France Irena Radovic and Dusan Batakovic. Metropolitan Amfilohije held a lecture: "Church - source of identity of man and world - World is made to become Church".

The St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute is one of the high ranking theological schools in Europe, and Metropolitan Amfilohije was professor at the Institute in the mid 70s of the last century.

After the ceremony Metropolitan was patiently signing to many attendees his book "The Mystery of the Holy Trinity according to Saint Gregory Palamas" which has been translated into French.

Tonight  Metropolitan Amfilohije. during the promotion of the French edition of his doctoral dissertation on St. Gregory Palamas,  will deliver a lecture, "The path of the knowing the God by Saint Gregory Palamas".

The lecture will be held at the literary house of the publisher CERF and at the promotion, besides the author priests Père Nicolas Jean Sed, director of the CERF publishing house and Zivko Panev, director of the edition of Orthodoxy as well as translator of the book professor Ivan Koenig will also address the present.

Source: Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral