Metropolitan Amfilohije Visits the Greek Archbishop
Athens, December 2007
Eminence Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Coastlands, Amfilohije, together
with priest Rev. Gajo Gajic, visited the head of the Greek Orthodox Church, His
Beatitude Christodoulos, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece. The vistit took
place in Athens and with the blessing of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle.
the occasion, Metropolitan Amfilohije expressed Patriarch Pavle's kind regards
and handed over the financial help the faithful Serbian people had collected
through the Church and which is aimed at the families who had suffered in the
recent nation-wide forest fires in Greece.
The Greek Archbishop is going through difficult moments himself, following an illness diagnosed in the past month of June, but despite of the malignant hepatic disease and an insuccessful transplantation attempt in Miami, he hasn't let his spirit down.
Christodoulos receives visits on a daily basis, and was particularly happy to
receive the guests from Serbia, inquiring about the health condition of our
Patriarch and expressing his concern on the position of Kosovo and Metohija, as
well as his open discontent against the holders of political world power and
their attitude towards the cradle of Serbian culture and spritualtiy.
With the blessing of the Greek Archbishop, Metropolitan Amfilohije served the Holy Lithurgy in Spata, together with Metropolitan of Mesogeion, Nicholas.