Metropolitan Amfilohije visits Orthodox Community in Peru

His Eminence Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral kyr Amfilohije, bishop administrator of the diocese of Buenos Aires and South-Central American, was between September 1-4, 2012 in the visit to our Orthodox community in Lima.

Metropolitan Amfilohije served on Sunday, September 2, 2012 the Divine Liturgy in the church of Holy Trinity which is under jurisdiction of the Archbishopric of Buenos Aires and South America of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, with the concelebration of the local parish priests presbyter Sergios Benavides and protodeacon Igor Balaban.

After the Holy Liturgy, which was attended by many believers, among which are our emigrants, the Metropolitan met with our community and then visited some of the sightseeing of Lima.

The Holy Liturgy was attended also by ambassador of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Dimitris Hatsopulos.

Црква свете Тројице је основана од стране руске емиграције, али су у њеној градњи помагали и православни вјерници са простора Српске Патријаршије. У овој цркви је једно вријеме служио и свештеник Србин. Ово је, за сада, једина православна црква у Лими.

Metropolitan met and spoke with ambassador of Greece Mr. Hatsopoulos and with the top people of Energoprojekt and with them spoke about the ways how to help the Orthodox community in Peru.

Source: Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral

Metropolitan Amfilohije visits Orthodox Community in Peru
Metropolitan Amfilohije visits Orthodox Community in Peru
Metropolitan Amfilohije visits Orthodox Community in Peru
Metropolitan Amfilohije visits Orthodox Community in Peru
Metropolitan Amfilohije visits Orthodox Community in Peru
Metropolitan Amfilohije visits Orthodox Community in Peru
Metropolitan Amfilohije visits Orthodox Community in Peru
Metropolitan Amfilohije visits Orthodox Community in Peru