Metropolitan Hilarion takes part in WCC Executive Committee meeting


On September 14, 2011, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, attended a regular session of the World Council of Church’s Executive Committee, which takes place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The agenda of the meeting includes a discussion on the topical problems of inter-Christian cooperation at the present stage, the reformation of the WCC governing bodies, the summing up of the International Christian Peace Convention which took place in May 2011 in Kingston, Jamaica.

In his statement at the session, the DECR chairman pointed in particular to the ongoing persecution and even physical extermination of Christians unprecedented in cruelty and scale in some countries in the world. Christians have no right to shut their eyes to the suffering of their brother and sisters in faith and must raise their voice in their defence so that concrete measures could be taken to protect Christian populations against the governments in the countries in which systemic violence is committed against those who confess the faith in Christ.

Source: DECR of the ROC