Monastery Marcha Slava Celebration

Monastery Marcha Slava Celebration
Monastery Marcha Slava Celebration
Monastery Marcha Slava Celebration
Monastery Marcha Slava Celebration

Monastery Marcha in Richfield, Ohio reached a new level of verified growth with the Slava celebration of July 27, 2013. Attendance reached the highest level since the consecration of the monastery church. The monastery celebrates the Synaxis of Archangel Gabriel as the Slava. Services were also held on July 25 and 26 as part of the Slava celebration.

Monastery Marcha is a women’s monastery of the Eastern America Diocese. His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan the Diocesan Bishop has been instrumental in the growth of Monastery Marcha throughout His Episcopacy. Mother Ana, the Abbess and Sister Anastasia are long-time residents. Hieromonk Platon has been at Monastery Marcha since August 2012.

Very Reverend Stavfor Vasilje and Protinica Zorine Sokolovic and their family served as Kumovi for the Slava. In addition to Prota Vasilje and Father Platon, fifteen priests and two deacons were present. Eleven of the priests and two deacons served with His Grace at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. The Divine Liturgy included the ordination to the Diaconate for Father Deacon Branislav Golic bringing the total to three deacons serving.  Dr.Nikola Resanovic directed the choir singing the responses.

Deacon Branislav Golic serves as Diocesan Secretary. He is the most recent graduate of St.Sava School of Theology in Libertyville, Illinois to be ordained and to serve in the Eastern Diocese. Graduates of St.Sava School of Theology serve parishes throughout North America and in Serbia and in other parts of the world. His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan is Dean of St.Sava School of Theology and has been an active professor since the founding of the school.

The joy of the ordination for Deacon Branislav was increased by the presence of his family here from Serbia and his new wife Dragana. Deacon Branislav’s  father is a priest and his brother a deacon. They added to and shared in the joy of the ordination and  the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.

The Slava dinner followed the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy, blessing of the Kolac and Koljivo and His Grace Bishop Dr.Mitrophan’s homily. Attendees at the Slava represented parishes from Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

Mr.Nikola Borata served  as Master of Ceremonies at the Slava dinner. Dr.Branimir Simic Glavaski was among those recognized at the dinner. Prota Vasilije and Protinica Zorine spoke with conviction and from their hearts regarding Monastery Marcha.     

Monastery Marcha continues to be a growing presence of God’s Holy Church in the Cleveland area and welcomes visitors and pilgrims from throughout the world during the course of the year. May God continue to bless Monastery Marcha. May Monastery Marcha continue to bless and enrich the souls of the visitors and pilgrims seeking God’s loving and healing power. Thank God for the countless blessings derived from the existence of Monastery Marcha.

Father Rodney Torbic

Source: Diocese of Eastern America