The new Archbishop of Great Britain has been enthroned

The new Archbishop of Great Britain has been enthroned
The new Archbishop of Great Britain has been enthroned
The new Archbishop of Great Britain has been enthroned
The new Archbishop of Great Britain has been enthroned

The enthronement of the new Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain, Nikitas, took place on Saturday, July 27, Romfea News reports.

The enthronement ceremony took place in the historic Hagia Sophia Cathedral in London, in the presence of hierarchs and clergy.

The Greek Government was represented by Deputy Foreign Minister responsible for Greeks Abroad, Mr. Antonis H. Diamataris, while the High Commissioner Mr. Evripidis Evriviadis represented the Republic of Cyprus.

There also attended Leaders, Representatives of Communities, Associations and other Organizations.

Source: Basilica, Romfea