Eminent scholar Olivier Clément died
17. January 2009 - 9:58Olivier Clément, who has died aged 87, was a French-born Russian Orthodox theologian whose stature was recognised not only by members of other Churches but also by Jews and Muslims. Offering personal proof that it was possible to become Orthodox without going East, he foresaw a Christian future which did not require the Western Church to become Eastern, or vice versa. He worked tirelessly for a mutual respect, which would make possible a recovery of the fullness of truth which would make the Churches one.
About Byzantium 330–1453
14. January 2009 - 9:59Highlighting the splendours of the Byzantine Empire, Byzantium 330-1453 comprises around 300 objects including icons, detached wall paintings, micro-mosaics, ivories, enamels plus gold and silver metalwork. Some of the works have never been displayed in public before. Highlighting the splendours of the Byzantine Empire, Byzantium 330-1453 comprises around 300 objects including icons, detached wall paintings, micro-mosaics, ivories, enamels plus gold and silver metalwork. Some of the works have never been displayed in public before.
Bishop Teodosije: Of great importance is a restoration of Serbian homes in which is celebrated the Name of God
11. January 2009 - 19:40Christmas has been today solemnly celebrated in Visoki Dechani also, where Vicar Bishop Teodosije of Lipljan has served a Holy Liturgy with monks of the monastery. The joy of Nativity of Jesus monks shared with guests from Serbia and representatives of Serbian communities in Metohija, reports Zivojin Rakocevic, the editor of Radio KIM, from Zvechan. Bishop Teodosije said that Christmas as always has brought a lot of joy: ‘' The God-child came to save the world from man, to save the mankind. We are making efforts to welcome our dearest guest who will give us many gifts from heaven.'' , said Bishop Teodosije and emphasized an importance of the return to Metohija and a need to restore full life of Serbs who return.
Christmas Eve celebration at the Russian Hall
10. January 2009 - 18:43
The Russian Orthodox Church and a
Russian community in Belgrade gathered today the faithful of the Russian and
the Serbian Church at the Russian Hall in order to celebrate Christmas Eve. In
an atmosphere of the traditional unity and love of Serbian and Russian people a
concert of Christmas carols of the Belgrade Madrigal Choir with a
conductor Aleksandar Brujic was held. In
the full auditorium of the Russian Hall director delivered a speech, and then
followed speeches of Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Vitaly Tarasjev, a head of the
Podvorye of the Russian Orthodox Church in Belgrade, and of His Grace Bishop
Atanasije of Hvosno on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia.
Pope on Orthodox Christmas, Gaza violence and children without childhood
9. January 2009 - 14:30During the Angelus of the Epiphany Benedict XVI sends his greetings to Orthodox communities, thanks all those who are trying to build peace between Israelis and Palestinians and calls for the release of tens of children abducted in the DRC. He also talks about the "disarming meekness of love" and the world's hostility.
Christmas by Eastern Churches (which falls tomorrow), the violent armed clashes in the Gaza Strip and the abducted children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are some of the issues the Pope mentioned in today's Angelus as he spoke to the faithful in St Peter's Square.
Before greeting thousands of pilgrims in various languages, Benedict XVI sent his greetings to the brothers and sisters of the Eastern Churches (especially that of Russia) who, "following the Julian calendar will celebrate Holy Christmas tomorrow. May the memory of the birth of the Saviour rekindle in their hearts more and more the joy of being loved by God."
Metropolitan Kirill congratulates believers on Orthodox Christmas
7. January 2009 - 14:42On the Eve of Orthodox Christmas, interim head of the Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad congratulated Orthodox Christians.
"Today we recall how the Son of God came down to people so that each one of us could rejoin Him. But to allow this to happen, there must be a response on our part, response worthy of divine love - our own love, active and sacrificial," the Metropolitan said in his Christmas message to believers.