17th anniversary of the enthronement of Patriarch Bartholomew I
3. November 2008 - 22:14Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I (Vartholomeos) on Sunday addressed an event in the northern Greek city of Drama marking the 17th anniversary of his enthronement, where the "Primus inter pares" of the world's Orthodox Church leaders expressed bitterness over continuing problems facing the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Turkey. Bartholomew again touched on the difficulties faced by the ancient Patriarchate in exercising its duties and in the preservation of the millennia-old Christian Orthodox heritage in the neighbouring country, an EU hopeful.
An Interview with His Grace, Bishop Hilarion of Vienna and Austria
3. November 2008 - 21:53Chancellor, Archpriest Chad Hatfield, Dean Emeritus, Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko, and Dean, Archpriest John Behr, attended the world premiere of the English setting of "The Passion According to Saint Matthew," a musical composition by His Grace Hilarion (Alfeyev), Bishop of Vienna and Austria, on October 25, 2008 in Toronto. Bishop Hilarion's musical settings, which include as well "The All-Night Vigil" and "The Divine Liturgy," have received high acclaim from both ecclesial and secular reviewers.
The Russian Orthodox Church to bring one of its relics to France
3. November 2008 - 21:47The Russian Orthodox Church intends to participate in festive events during the Year of Russia in France planned in 2010. "The Russian Orthodox Church will also participate in this campaign and bring one of its relics to France, so that Orthodox believers and members of other Christian confessions could pray before it," Alexy II told journalists after his meeting with the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris, Andre Vingt-Trois in St. Daniel Monastery of Moscow.
Renowned missionary compared opponents of the sermon among rockers to Pharisees
3. November 2008 - 21:43Renowned missionary Hegumen Sergy (Rybko) compared those who oppose missionary activity among unformal youth to Pharisees and urged them to follow the will of Russian Church hierarchs. In his interview to Interfax-Religion Fr. Sergy reminded that "Pharisees often blamed Christ for turning his sermon not to a certain elite, but to everyone without distinction - to gentiles, publicans, whores and leading them to repentance."
Rare First Temple period seal found in Jerusalem
3. November 2008 - 9:24
A rare Hebrew seal from the First Temple period, discovered in archaeological excavations in the Western Wall plaza, west of the Temple Mount, will be presented to the public today. An image of a warrior shooting an arrow is depicted on the seal, which belonged to a Hebrew person by the name of Hagab. The owner of the seal probably held a military position, possibly that of army commander of the Kingdom of Judah .
Members of Jesuit Order killed in Moscow
30. October 2008 - 8:30Two members of the Jesuit Order have been killed in central Moscow, sources in the law enforcement agencies told Interfax. "At 9:20 p.m. on October 28, the chief accountant of the religious organization Society of Jesus called on the police. He said he had found the bodies of two members of the organization - a 42 year-old Ecuadorian and a 46 year-old Russian in an apartment located at Petrovka, 19, building 5, which is owned by the religious organization," a source told Interfax.