Orange County Slava

Orange County Slava
Orange County Slava
Orange County Slava
Orange County Slava

On Sunday 20th of September the parish of The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos parish in Orange County celebrated its Slava. His Grace Bishop Maxim accompanied by Diocesan Deacon Zoran presided over the day’s festivities with the parish clergy, Fr. Blasko and Deacon David. The day started with the singing of Orthros and the baptism of Zoe, the six-month old daughter of Deacon David and Diakonissa Lauren.  Bishop Maxim himself administered the baptism and anointing while all present prayed for the newly illumined. The Holy Liturgy followed with the beautiful singing of the parish choir and concluded with a sermon by His Grace in which he described the Liturgy as a kind of joyous play with God. A large banquet followed the Liturgy with music, dancing and fellowship.

Source: Serbian Orthodox Church