Orthodox Church is most trusted institution in Bulgaria

According to a recent survey on Bulgarians’ attitudes towards various institutions, they trust the Bulgarian Orthodox Church the most, with political bodies and parties coming in last. The survey is summarized by The Sofia Globe. Sofia’s Open Society Institute’s February 28 report on the national public opinion survey shows that 55% of respondents trust the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. The same amount answered that they trust the EU as well, while 31% distrust the EU, and one percent less distrust the Church.

According to the 2011 Bulgarian census, 59.4% of Bulgarians are members of the Orthodox Church, thus the vast majority of Orthodox Christians in the nation have trust in their Church. 50% trust the army and universities, 47% the police, and 44% hospitals. In the political sphere, 32% professed trust in the president (as an institution), 32% in the courts, 27% the government, 22% Parliament, and only 17% political parties. The survey was conducted between April 22 and May 14, 2016 among 1197 adult Bulgarians by the Open Society Institute.

Source: pravoslavie.ru