Orthodox Churches

Monument to St. Vladimir installed on Valaam

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, a monument to the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir, the Baptizer of Russia has been installed on Valaam Island, reports Russian Gazette.

The installation of the monument was initiated by the head of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the head of a large air-craft company from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. They have worked together in the past to install a monument to St. Andrew four years ago, and a monument to the Most Holy Theotokos last year on the territory of the Valaam Monastery.

The bronze monument to St. Vladimir was made in the workshop of the famous sculptor Andrei Klykova and installed on a granite pedestal.

Patriarch Ilia of Georgia to baptize another 600 children

The 49th mass Baptism to be celebrated by His Holiness Patriarch-Catholicos Ilia II of Georgia will take place today, reports Sputnik-Georgia.

Today’s feast of the Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles, known as “Svetitskhovloba,” is a greatly loved feast in Georgia, celebrated twice a year on July 13 and October 14. The October feast has been declared a national holiday. Georgia’s famous Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in the historic town of Mtskheta, Georgia is named in honor of the Twelve Apostles.

Patronal feast celebrated at the Moscow Representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Patronal feast celebrated at the Moscow Representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Patronal feast celebrated at the Moscow Representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Patronal feast celebrated at the Moscow Representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Patronal feast celebrated at the Moscow Representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church

On 12 July 2017, commemoration day of the Holy Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul, the Moscow Representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church – the Church of Ss. Peter and Paul on Yauza – celebrated its patronal feast.

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Niphon of Philippopolis, representative of the Patriarchate of Antioch to the Moscow Patriarchate, officiated at the Divine Liturgy in the Church of Ss. Peter and Paul.

Moscow ceremoniously bids farewell to relics of St. Nicholas

Moscow ceremoniously bids farewell to relics of St. Nicholas
Moscow ceremoniously bids farewell to relics of St. Nicholas
Moscow ceremoniously bids farewell to relics of St. Nicholas
Moscow ceremoniously bids farewell to relics of St. Nicholas

A solemn farewell to the specially-made ark with a piece of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was held at Moscow’s Christ the Savior Cathedral today, reports patriarchia.ru. The relic has arrived in St. Petersburg, where it will remain in St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra until July 28.

First official feast of St. Vlasios of Akarnania celebrated in Greece

In a joyful and festive atmosphere, the first official commemoration of the memory of the hieromartyr St. Vlasios of Akarnania and those martyred with him was celebrated in Sklavaina of Vonitsa, Acarnania, Greece, reports Romfea. The official glorification ceremony of St. Vlasios and his companions took place in August 2016 in the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Athonite abbot to participate in consecration of Ekaterinburg’s Kazan church

Archimandrite Alexios, abbot of the Athonite Xenophontos Monastery, will participate in the consecration of the Kazan Church in Ekaterinburg in July, reports oblgazeta.ru. The pending visit was announced by Metropolitan Kirill of Ekaterinburg and Verkhotursk on June 18, the feast of All Saints Who Have Shone Forth in the Russian Land.