Orthodox Churches

Patriarch of Alexandria with the Hellenes of the Holy Metropolis of Good Hope

Patriarch of Alexandria with the Hellenes of the Holy Metropolis of Good Hope
Patriarch of Alexandria with the Hellenes of the Holy Metropolis of Good Hope
Patriarch of Alexandria with the Hellenes of the Holy Metropolis of Good Hope
Patriarch of Alexandria with the Hellenes of the Holy Metropolis of Good Hope

On the two days of 21st and 22nd May 2016, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, continued his many days of pastoral and missionary journey to provinces of the Throne in South Africa, and arrived in the city of Durban, of the Holy Metropolis of Good Hope, where he was warmly welcomed by the local Metropolitan Sergios and the entire Hellenic Community.

The feast of the Prophet Elisha at the Patriarchate

The feast of the Prophet Elisha at the Patriarchate
The feast of the Prophet Elisha at the Patriarchate
The feast of the Prophet Elisha at the Patriarchate
The feast of the Prophet Elisha at the Patriarchate

On Monday, the 14th/27th of June 2016, the Patriarchate observed the memory of the Prophet Elisha at the Monastery dedicated to his name in Jericho, near the sycamore tree where Zacchaeus the tax collector had climbed to see the Lord “because he was short”.

Saint Vitus Day solemnly celebrated at Lazarica Church in the Zvezdara district

Saint Vitus Day solemnly celebrated at Lazarica Church in the Zvezdara district
Saint Vitus Day solemnly celebrated at Lazarica Church in the Zvezdara district
Saint Vitus Day solemnly celebrated at Lazarica Church in the Zvezdara district
Saint Vitus Day solemnly celebrated at Lazarica Church in the Zvezdara district

The church patron-day of Great Martyr Prince Lazar of Serbia was celebrated solemnly inthe church of St. Greatmartyr Prince Lazar in the Zvezdara district of Belgrade.

On Monday, June 27th, 2016 at 5 p.m.  the Vesper service was performed by presbyter Srecko Bogicevic, parish priest of Lazarica. At 8 p.m. the All-night Vigil service was celebrated by protopresbyter-staurophor Dragoslav Stikic, principal of the Lazarica church, in the presence of His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Toplica, Vicar of the Serbian Patriarch. At midnight presbyter Srecko Bogicevic officiated the Holy Liturgy.

Georgian archaeologists have discovered unknown 10th century church

During archaeological excavations on the territory of Atskuri Church archeologists discovered the ruins of the unknown church of the Atskuri Virgin, attributed to the tenth century, as reported by Georgian television’s Channel One.

Archaeologists, art historians, and clergymen clarified that the church found under a layer of earth was built on the site of a non-Christians first-century temple, artifacts from which were also found during the excavation.

Delegation of the Serbian Orthodox Church arrives to Crete

Headed by His Holiness Irinej, the Serbian Patriarch, the delegation of the Serbian Orthodox Church arrived to Crete today, on 16 June 2016, where the session of the Holy and Great Council is to be held during the forthcoming days. His Holiness is accompanied by Their Eminences and Their Graces hierarchs: Archbishop Jovan of Ohrid, Metropolitan Dr. Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana, Bishop Dr. Irinej of Backa, Bishop Dr. Ignjatije of Branicevo, Bishop Lukijan of  Budim and Bishop Jeronim of Jegar.

Along with the Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church, hierarchs, professors and students arrived in Chania, as part of the Serbian Church delegation.

Saint Macarius Glukharev and Saint Macarius Nevsky: Community lecture at Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge

The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies sponsors an annual series of Community Lecture Days, with this year's theme being "Contemporary Fathers and Mothers of the Church." Previous lectures this year discussed Elder Sophrony (Sakharov), St. Maria of Paris, Fr. Dumitru Staniloae, and Met. Anthony of Sourozh, with the next lecture concerning St. Macarius Glukharev and St. Macarius Nevsky:

The next IOCS Community Lecture Day will take place this Saturday 18 June 2016 and will be devoted to two important contemporary saints: Saint Macarius Glukharev and Saint Macarius Nevsky. The two lectures will be delivered by Karen Hetherington, one of our Directors and a top specialist on the topic.