Orthodox Churches

11th International Congress of Coptic Studies – 2016

For Registration & More Info:

Venue & Time
Claremont Graduate University, California, USA
July 25-30, 2016.

The 11th Congress of Coptic Studies is scheduled to start on Monday July 25, 2016 and conclude, on Saturday, July 30, 2016 with the IACS members’ Business Meeting.

Fresco Paintings Discovered in Shanghai Church

Nine fresco paintings were recently uncovered at an Orthodox church in Shanghai, marking the first discovery of such paintings in the city.

The paintings were discovered in the course of a restoration project launched in June of 2007, said Shen Sanxin, Chief Engineer of Shanghai Zhuzong Group Construction Development Co. Ltd., thepaper.cn reported.

Statement of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church

On the situation caused by the refusal of several Local Orthodox Churches to participate in the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church

For many decades the Russian Orthodox Church took and continues to take an active part in the preparation of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church. Since the First Pan-Orthodox Conference in 1961 on Rhodes, the outstanding hierarchs and the best theologians of our Church have made their contribution to the work on a great number of the Council’s topics, including those which were not to be included later in the agenda of the Holy and Great Council. For the sake of the earliest convocation of the Council, the Russian Orthodox Church has repeatedly re-affirmed her readiness to accept decisions mutually acceptable for all the participants in the pre-Council process, even if such decisions diverted from the already agreed rules of the Council’s preparation.

Blessing of the Patriarchal Palace

Blessing of the Patriarchal Palace
Blessing of the Patriarchal Palace
Blessing of the Patriarchal Palace
Blessing of the Patriarchal Palace

His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, blessed Monday, June 6, 2016, the Palace of the Patriarchate in Bucharest. Together with His Beatitude also served Their Graces, the Assistant Bishops to the Patriarch, Varlaam of Ploieşti and Ieronim of Sinaia, and the Very Reverend Archimandrites Paisie Teodorescu, patriarchal vicar, and Ciprian Grădinaru, servant at the Chapel of the National Cathedral.

Greece Slams Quran Reading in Istanbul's Orthodox Christian Cathedral

Света Софија (црква Свете Премудрости у Цариграду) је грчка православна патријарашка црква из 6. столећа, која је касније у историји претворена царску џамију, а сад је музеј, Ayasofya Muzesi. Турски медији су известили прошле недеље да је председник Ердоган изјавио да ће се у Светој Софији свакодневно читати из Курана за време трајања рамазанског поста.

„Осуђујемо најаву турских власти да се у Светој Софији чита из Корана за  време Рамазана“, каже се у саопштењу Министарства спољних послова, тим пре што се то чини  у споменику који је на листи светског културног наслеђа. „Овакви чинови су несхватљиви и показују недостатак поштовања и непостојање везе са стварношћу. Поред тога, такве радње нису у складу са савременим демократским и секуларним друштвима,“ истакло је ово грчко Министарство.

Metropolitan Arsenios, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for Austria and Hungary, in Belgrade

Metropolitan Arsenios, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for Austria and Hungary, in Belgrade
Metropolitan Arsenios, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for Austria and Hungary, in Belgrade
Metropolitan Arsenios, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for Austria and Hungary, in Belgrade
Metropolitan Arsenios, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for Austria and Hungary, in Belgrade

On Sunday, 5 June 2016, when we listen to the Gospel’s story of the Blind Man, with the blessing of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej, Metropolitan of the Ecumenical Patriarchate His Eminence Arsenios (Kardamakis) from Vienna, President of the Council of Bishops’ Conference for Austria and Director for Orthodox Religious Education in Austria, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Belgrade Cathedral of Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel.

He was concelebrated by Protopresbyter-stavrophor Dr. Dragomir Sando, Very Revd. Fathers Panayotis Karatasios and Dimitris Kasapis, Presbyter Vladimir Vranic, chief of the Office of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch, as well as by Protodeacon Radomir Percevic.