The Orthodox Clinic of Annunciation in Albania to offer High Level Service for Ophthalmology Surgery

The Foundation “The Orthodox Clinics of Annunciation” – Ophthalmology and ENT Clinic
New Services of the Ophthalmology Surgery

- Interventions Are Performed of a High Level and with Modern Techniques -

Recently, at the Ophthalmology and ENT Clinic of the Foundation “The Orthodox Clinics of Annunciation”, began operating the service of ophthalmology surgery. In the surgery room are performed interventions with contemporary techniques as in other developed countries.

Now can be successfully treated a number of diseases like Cataract, Glaucoma, Strabismus, Halacion, Pterygium, etc.

The modern equipment of high quality, and the qualified and dedicated staff, is the guarantee for the progress of the surgical treatments.

The new services for illnesses and problems that require surgical intervention are:

1. Dacriocistorhinostomi (DCR)

2. Strabismus

3. Glaucoma

4. Pterygium

5. Halacion

6. Cataract – with ultrasound (facoemulsificacion)

Source: Orthodox Cognate Page