Parishes in Detroit area in Michigan visited by Bishop Longin
On Saturday, October 24th
2009, Bishop Longin visited East Chicago, IN. where he baptized Masha
Savic, the second child of Aleksandar Savic, the parish priest at the
Church of Saint George, East Chicago. Many parishioners were present
at the baptism.
After the baptism, His Grace, accompanied by Protodeacon Milovan Gogic, went on to Warren, MI in order to take part at the celebration of the Slava of the Kolo at the parish of Saint Stefan of Decani. Along with Bishop Longin, several area priests were present, headed by Protopresbyter Zivan Urosev. After Vespers, His Grace served the order of cutting of Slava bread. In his speech he congratulated the Kolo with the Slava and offered thanksgiving to God for having united Serbs of Detroit attending the celebration. He also praised the work of Protopresbyter Zivko Kajevic and his parish board.
The next day, the Bishop served Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of the Holy Ascension in Ecorse, MI which was celebrating fifty years of the Church-school community. This jubilee was attended by several priests from the area, from our diocese as well as other Orthodox Jurisdictions. Divine Liturgy was enriched by the beautiful singing of the choir from the church of Tsar Lazar "Ravanica" from Detroit. At the banquet, one of the founders of the parish, Mr. Vuko Dragovic presented the history of this important parish in his style. Bishop Longin expressed his joy over being able to attend this unique event. He offered prayers for the repose of the departed members of the parish and blessed the current members, wishing them every blessing from the Lord. In that context, he also pointed out the great importance of the unity of our Church for the survival of Serbian identity and Orthodox Faith on this continent. The Slava of the Kolo in Warren and at the celebration in Ecorse, Mr. Milos Savarolac, the vice-president of the Diocesan Council was present along with other parishioners from the area who are now all one in the Diocese on New Gracanica and Midwestern America.
Hear our prayers, O Lord, and preserve Thy Holy Church for many years.