The Patriarch of Alexandria in Central Tanzania

The Patriarch of Alexandria in Central Tanzania
The Patriarch of Alexandria in Central Tanzania
The Patriarch of Alexandria in Central Tanzania
The Patriarch of Alexandria in Central Tanzania

Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria and All Africa arrived at Dar es Salaam, accompanied by Archim. Nicodemus Totkas, Chief Secretary of the Patriarchate, where Metropolitan Dimitrios of Irinoupolis, the Egyptian Ambassador to Tanzania, the President and members of the Greek Community of Tanzania welcomed them.

He then went to the city of Iringa in Central Tanzania.

It is the second time that the Patriarch visits this area, since the first time he came in 2007.

The Alexandrian Primate was received at the airport by Bishop Agathonikos of Arusha and Central Tanzania, the local rulers, the President and members of the Greek Community of Tanzania.

Source: Romfea