The Patriarch of Antioch at the funeral of Maronite Patriarch Sfeir

On Sunday, May 12, the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir reposed in the Lord, at the age of 98. The funeral and the burial of the late Maronite Patriarch took place on Thursday, May 16, 2019, in the Church of the Maronite Patriarchate of Bkerké in Lebanon.

The Lebanese government declared the day as a day of mourning, and all public institutions, banks and schools were closed.

The Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, John, also participated in the funeral of the late Maronite Patriarch.

The Patriarch of Antioch, in his brief greeting, spoke about the personality of the deceased, stressing that he is praying for the late Patriarch Sfeir.

Source: Romfea