Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)

At the fraternal invitation of His Grace Bishop of Šumadija kyr Jovan, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch kyr Porfirije visited the See of the Diocese of Šumadija and the Cathedral church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Kragujevac, on 28 April 2022 (photo gallery

His Holiness was welcomed by Bishop Jovan and his clerics, monastics and faithful people of the Diocese of Šumadija. The festive Rite of doxology in front of the Cathedral church was presided by protopresbyter–staurophoros Prof. Dr Zoran Krstić – Dean of the Seminary of Saint John Chrysostom in Kragujevac. Overwhelmed by the Paschal joy, Bishop Jovan, in the name of the clerics, monastics and faithful people, thanked His Holiness the Patriarch for the love manifested through the visitation in days of the Bright week:

Heaven and earth rejoiced at the resurrection of Christ. As we find ourselves in the joy of Easter, our joy is increased by Your coming to the Church of God in Šumadija, to this Cathedral, to the See of the Diocese of Šumadija. You, Your Holiness, have come to Kragujevac, the city of the New Martyrs of Kragujevac. This city is drenched in their martyrial and innocent blood. We know that the New Martyrs of Kragujevac are the guarantors of salvation and the greatest pledge of peace. Just as the deeds of Christian martyrs from the first centuries transcend temporal and spatial frameworks, so the New Martyrs of Kragujevac became prayerful intercessors and protectors before the throne of God, both for us in Šumadija and for the entire Christian world. Your Holiness, You have come as a kinsman to his own kin. Thus we cordially receive and welcome You in these Paschal days. You have come to invigorate and strengthen us spiritually in carrying our cross and witnessing to the name of God. You have come here today to pray together to God for peace, well-being and progress in our country, for peace in the whole world. May God make hatred give place to love, and may the whole world flourish with love without shadow, hope without kneeling, and faith without doubt. Your Holiness, I wish to assure You of the true love my clerics, monastics and the pious people of the glorious Šumadija cherish for You. I wish to assure You that We, together with these people, are constantly praying to God to confirm You to carry the burden of the Church of Christ, the Serbian Orthodox Church. Please keep us in Your prayers as we pray for You from the bottom of our hearts. Christ is risen and welcome, Your Holiness!

The address of Patriarch Porfirije followed:

– Christ is risen! Your Grace and dear brother and concelebrant Jovan, brethren presbyters, honorable monks and nuns, brothers and sisters, it is a great joy that I am today in much-suffering Kragujevac, in the heart of Šumadija, although I am not for the first time as a Primate of our local Church in Kragujevac and Šumadija, neither this is my first time here, for I have been visiting this place since my earliest youth. I was always filled with the grace of God whenever I came to Šumadija and I felt with my whole being that I was home, among my brothers and sisters. Let us all rejoice together for the time of true joy has come. Let us rejoice in the joy to which the Lord called the myrrh-bearers after His Resurrection saying: “Do not be afraid and rejoice”. With these words, he laid the foundations of our mutual existence and our understanding of the world and the entire creation of God as a place where there is no fear, and where there is a constant joy. This is something that Adam lost and every man, at all times, faces that loss. Joy and the absence of fear are something we need. Today, fear and sorrow have become the dominant living atmosphere for the man who is all torn, divided, unstable and fluid... This is the time of Christ's message and the time of His gift, in which we not only know that we are made for everything else, but also that there is potential and possibility within us to achieve that in our lives. Joy and the absence of fear have become our feelings, our emotions, our thoughts and overall state in these holy days.

The Lord came among us. The aim of that coming is defeating death, sin and the devil, from whom comes our insecurity and fear. Descending into Hades, God destroyed and defeated in His Person the only real enemy, from whom all other problems come. Thus the Lord enabled us to be partakers of His victory. It is the time of joy and love, but also of the cross of Christ, which contains and implies our victory. The Lord takes us in His arms, embraces us with His whole being, and thus we become part of His body. That is how we become brothers to each other. Filled with the joy of the Resurrection of Christ, let us not hesitate to respond to His call: "Follow me." Let it be not only in words but like His apostles, who mended the nets, let us leave all our obligations and follow Christ. This means that they have abandoned their existence, made a step out of human existence and devoted themselves to Christ the Lord. The answer to every doubt, dilemma and impermanence is in Christ... He is the answer to the question of the meaning of existence. In other words, having followed Him, they took His system of values as a new framework of existence, they took the Gospel as their life motto according to which they will act, knowing that everything they do, they do in relation to Christ. The values ​​and systems of this world are changeable, transient, unstable and relative. Christ's apostles knew that they had their existence only in God. Beyond Christ, everything becomes relative. He who loves anything in this world more than Christ is not worthy of Him. Of course, the Lord did not say that our neighbors are not important, but that if we are not founded in Christ, then everything else loses its value, because it has its end in nothingness. The pious, honest people of Šumadija, who have a rich heritage, certainly know that. All our people are vested in Christ, sealed by Christ, defined by the Risen Christ. From the time of Saint Sava until today, regardless of Scylla and Charybdis and the temptations we might go through, our people will always bear the seal of Christ. No matter how far they have moved away from Him, they will be attached to Christ and the martyrs of Kragujevac. We rejoice and we are not afraid, because the Risen Christ is here with us. May His blessing, peace and grace be with all of you, all the people of Kragujevac, all the people of Šumadija, to the ages of ages, so that we may now and forever sing the song: Christ is risen from the dead, by death trampling death, and to those in the tombs granting life!

After the festive Rite of the doxology, Bishop Jovan hosted Patriarch Porfirije in the Diocesan See, where they exchanged befitting gifts, after which the meeting was continued in a cordial conversation.


Πατριάρχης Σερβίας κ.κ. Πορφύριος: Ο Χριστός είναι η απάντηση στο νόημα της ύπαρξής μας

Ο Αγιώτατος Πατριάρχης Σερβίας κ.κ. Πορφύριος επισκέφθηκε στις 28 Απριλίου 2022, κατόπιν αδελφικής προσκλήσεως του Θεοφιλέστατου Επισκόπου Σουμάντια κ. Ιωάννη, την έδρα της Επισκοπής Σουμάντια και τον Ιερό Καθεδρικό Ναό Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτόκου στο Κραγούγιεβατς.

Τον Μακαριώτατο Πατριάρχη Σερβίας κ.κ. Πορφύριο υποδέχτηκε ο Θεοφιλέστατος Επίσκοπος Σουμάντια κ. Ιωάννης, μαζί με τον Ιερό Κλήρο, τις Μοναστικές Αδελφότητες και τον ευσεβή λαό της Επισκοπής Σουμαντία. Λαμπρή Δοξολογία τελέστηκε στον Καθεδρικό Ιερό Ναό, ιερουργούντος του πρωτοπρεσβύτερου π. Ζόραν Κρστιτς, Πρύτανη του Εκκλησιαστικού Λυκείου «Άγιος Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος» στο Κραγούγιεβατς.

Μέσα στο κλίμα της αναστάσιμης χαράς, ο Θεοφιλέστατος Επίσκοπος κ. Ιωάννης ευχαρίστησε τον Μακαριώτατο Πατριάρχη εκ μέρους του κλήρου, των μοναχών και του ευλαβούς λαού για την αγάπη που εκδηλώθηκε με την ευγενή επίσκεψή του κατά τις ημέρες της Διακαινησίμου εβδομάδος.

Ακολούθησε η προσφώνηση του Πατριάρχη Πορφυρίου.

Μετά την τέλεση της Δοξολογίας, ο Θεοφιλέστατος Επίσκοπος κ. Ιωάννης φιλοξένησε τον Μακαριώτατος Πατριάρχη Σερβίας κ.κ. Πορφύριο στο Επισκοπείο, όπου αντάλλαξαν δώρα και η συνάντηση συνεχίστηκε σε εγκάρδια συνομιλία.


Патриарх Порфирий в Крагуеваце: „Xристос – ответ на смысл нашего постояния“

Его Святейшество  Патриарх Сербский г-н Порфирий навестил 28 апреля 2022 года по братскому призыву Его Преосвященства епископа Шумадийского г-н Иоанна, столицу епархии Шумадийской , город Крагуевац, и, в частности, в этом городе, Соборный  Святоуспенский Храм.

Его Святейшество Патриарха встретил епископ Иоанн со священством, монашеством и верующим народом епархии Шумадийской , перед Соборным храмом торжественной доксологией начальствовал протопресвитер - ставрофор профессор др Зоран Крстич, управляющий Средней богословской школой имени Святого Иоанна Златоуста в городе Крагуевац. Выражая пасхальную радость, епископ Иоанн поблагодарил от имени духовенства и верующего народа этой епархии Его Святейшество Патриарха Порфирия за любовь, проявленную им этим визитом в дни Светлой седмицы:

„Благодаря Воскресению Христову радуются и небо, и земля! Ваше Святейшество, Вы приехали в Крагуевац в город Новомучеников крагуевацких. Этот город залит их мученической и невинной кровью. Мы все очень хорошо знаем, что их мученическая смерть гарантия и их и нашего спасения, и самый большой залог мира. Точно так же, как и деяния и жертва христианских мучеников первых веков превосходит временные и географические рамки, так и  новомученики крагуевацкие стали нашими молитвенниками и защитниками перед Престолом Божьим не только для нас в Шумадии, а также для всего мира христианского. Ваше Святейшество, Вы здесь прибыли, как свой среди своих. Ми Вас от всего сердца принимаем и встречаем в эти Пасхальные дни.“

Беседа Патриарха Паорфирия (отрывок) :

„Христос Воскресе! Преосвященный Владыко и дорогой брат и сослужитель Иоанн братья священники, честные монахи и монахини, дорогие братья и сёстры! Моя радость большая, ибо сегодня здесь в мученическом Крагуеваце, в сердце Шумадии, хотя для меня это не впервые приезжать сюда как предстоятель, особенно для меня это не в первый раз бывать и в Шумадии и в городе Крагуевац, ибо я здесь бывал ещё смолоду. Всегда я бывал переполнен благословением Божьим, приезжая здесь, в Шумадию и всем своим существом, чувствовал, что нахожусь в своем доме, между братьями и сестрами. Давайте радоваться все вместе, ибо наступило время истинной радости. Давайте почувствовать ту же радость, к которой Господь призвал жён – мироносиц после своего Воскресения словами :“Не бойтесь и радуйтесь!“ Это время поручения Христовых  и время подарка Его и в  этом же времени мы не только что осознаём, что мы для всего другого созданный, а что у нас есть талант и возможность осуществить это в нашей жизни. Радость, отсутствие страха сейчас становятся нашими чувствами, нашими мыслями и совокупным состоянием в эти праздничные дни. Господь пришел к нам.  Цель Его пришествия -  победа над смертью, грехом и дьяволом. От греха,  смерти и нечестивого происходит неуверенность и страх, от этого единственного врага.  Своим сошествием в ад  Господь уничтожил все это и обедил  это в Своей личности. Господь таким деяниям дал нам возможность стать соучастниками Его победы.“

Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)
Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)
Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)
Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)
Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)
Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)
Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)
Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)
Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)
Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)
Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)
Patriarch Porfirije: Christ is the answer to the meaning of our existence (English, Greek, Russian)