Patriarch Porfirije served the funeral service to Bishop Lavrentije of blessed repose
Following the Requiem Office for the Dead in the Cathedral church of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Sabac, His Holiness Porfirije, the Serbian Patriarch served the funeral service for Bishop Lavrentije of Sabac of blessed repose.
The Patriarch was concelebrated by Their Graces Bishops: Vasilije of Srem, Pahomije of Vranje, Fotije of Zvornik-Tuzla and the Administrator of Sabac, Atanasije of Mileseva, Grigorije of Dusseldorf and Germany, Andrej of Austria-Switzerland, Metodije of Budimlje-Niksic, Jerotej of Toplica and Justin of Hvosno; many priests and hieromonks from many dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
After the service, the hierarchs led by Patriarch Porfirije made a prayer procession around the Cathedral church with the earthly remains of the newly departed Bishop Lavrentije, which were then transferred to the monastery of St. Nicholas in Soko Grad, where they will be buried in the courtyard of his endowment.
После опела архијереји предвођени патријархом Порфиријем учинили су молитвени опход око Саборног храма са земним остацима новопрестављеног епископа Лаврентија, који су затим пренети у манастир Светог владике Николаја у Соко Граду где ће бити погребени у порти његове задужбине.
Извор: ТВ Храм