The Patriarch Of Romania “Citizen Of Honour” Of Reşiţa City and “Doctor Honoris Caisa” Of The University Eftimie Murgu

From today, 13 September 2010, forward, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel will be a "citizen of honour" of the county of Caraş-Severin and of Reşiţa city. It was also here that His Beatitude was awarded the title of "Doctor Honoris Causa" of the University of "Efitime Murgu" of Reşiţa city.

Rev. Casian Ruseţ, the speaker of the Diocese of Caransebeş gave some more details for Trinitas Radio station showing that the state, local and central authorities as well as a large number of priests and faithful attended the event. "They met His Beatitude Daniel at the entrance of the Conference room of the County Council, enjoying the visit of His Beatitude to Reşiţa city. The title of citizrn of honour was presented by the President of the County Council, Eng. Dr. Dorin Frunză Verde, while the commission of university professors chaired by Rector Univ. Prof. Dr. Doina Frunză Verde awarded him the title of "Doctor Honoris Causa". His Eminence Laurenţiu, Archbishop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of Transylvania delivered the „Laudatio" speech. To end with, His Grace Lucian, Bishop of Caransebeş, delivered a speech, as host, while His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel delivered a speech which delighted all those present", as Rev. Casian Ruşeţ said.
