Patron Saint-day of the Cathedral church in Sremski Karlovci

Bishop Vasilije of Srem ordained deacon Nikola Erceg to the rank of presbyter 

The feast day of Holy father Ncholas, Archbishop of Myra, was solemnly celebrated in Sremski Karlovci, where a magnificent Cathedral church is dedicated to this Saint.  His Grace Bishop Vasilije of Srem officated the solemn Liturgy with the concelebration of protopresbyter-staurophores: Dusan Petrovic, retired dean of the Karlovci Theological Seminary, Dragomir Sando and Branislav Popovic; dean of Karlovac Seminary archpriest Jovan Milanovic, presbyter Stanko Laketic and deacon Goran Vlasac and Djordje Milidrag. 

During the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy His Grace Bishop Vasilije ordained deacon Nikola Erceg to the rank of presbyter.

Following the Holy Liturgy the slava gifts was blessed for the glory and the honour of Holy father Nicholas. 

At the end of the slava gathering Bishop Vasilije of Srem congratulated the Patron Saint-day to all the faithful, to the Principal of the Cathedral church of Saint Nicholas, archpriest Jovan Milanovic, and tp professor Stanko Laketic, co-brother of the Cathedral church, all clergy and present professors of that Theological school.

Source: Diocese of Srem